Sunday 22 February 2009


Well we were not sure if it would take place, but the weather was looking better so we started.....the souvlaki (just a few!) arrived and were distributed round the stands were they were to be cooked and sold.....a few hardy people turned up in fancy dress ready....and then the heavens opened.....and it poured.....and poured.....and the water got into the sound system went down....and took all my side of the village with it.....they sorted that out....and...then very sadly a lady visiting the village for the carnival had a heart attack and died....needless to say, everyone agreed that the carnival would not take place.
Hopefully it will now take place on Sunday 1st March, if the weather is too bad this day, then we will not have one this year.
It was a sad day, both for the family and friends of the poor lady who died and for the committee of the carnival who had worked so hard to get everything ready. If anyone reading this knows the family of the lady involved, would you pass on my condolences?

Saturday 21 February 2009

Will it or won't it?

Well, its Carnival day and the weather is really bad.....we are still waiting for final confirmation that it will go ahead....the outlook is that the rain and hail we have had this morning will turn to snow overnight and through Monday/ are a few pictures of the stalled preparations...the fire is going (but has already gone out once today) and the soup is on the go...nothing else to do but wait.....