Day to day news and happenings from the village of Mochos, Crete, Greece through the eyes of the crazy Englishwoman with all the cats......
Saturday, 11 October 2008
New Mummy/Daddy wanted
Hello, I don't have a name but I need a new mummy or daddy as i was left in a carrier bag under a car. I am about 4 weeks old and healthy and love to explore and cuddle. I can wash myself very well too, except sometimes I fall over washing my feet! Margaret has some baby milk for me until I am big enough to eat grown up dinner. She would love to keep me, but is going to England on the 21st and so cannot. If you can be my new mummy or daddy, please ring Margaret on 6946025103. Thank you x x x ps I promise to be good and give you lots of cuddles.
I am from Pudsey, West Yorkshire, England and by profession an Accountant. I came to live here to spend more time enjoying my life and less time tied to a desk. I love it here and the village of Mochos is very special. I work here as a Reiki Master Teacher doing treatments and teaching both tourists and locals. I also offer Retreat holidays in the village. This blog is an addition to my website so I can update everyone on the day to day happenings here.
that is the cutesy cat I have ever seen!!! Bring him with you please!!! Grandma will look after him!!!
Great pics of little Tiggy
nice pics of Tiggy
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