Sunday, 3 May 2009

RIP Ginger

Easter started off as a really happy time and we all enjoyed the special time and the spectacle that is Easter here. I went to the church on Saturday night to light my candle and then came home to put the cross above my door to bring good luck. This obviously did not work this year. When I came home the cats, Ginger and Jessica, were hiding in the back bedroom despite the TV being on loud to drown out the noise of the bombs. I then went to my friends to eat and returned home around 2.30 am. In the time I was gone, Ginger went out. She still has not returned and no-one has seen anything of her. I am very sad to say that I have to conclude that something really bad has happened and that she is now dead. Poor Ginger, she was such a wonderful cat, very loving, with a fantastic temperament and such a good mother to her kittens (pictured above at around 2 weeks) despite her only being a kitten herself at the time she had them. Jessica, her daughter that we kept (pictured front right of the picture above) is distraught and keeps crying for her all the time. A very very sad end to a celebration.


Jude said...

I live in Houmeriakos and have just found you blog through Julia Jones, I'm so sorry about your cat. Having just been through an awful 3 weeks after the poisoning of my dog, I feel for you.
Take care

Margaret Radcliffe said...

Hi Jude
Thank you for your kind comments...I was so sorry to read about your beloved dog...
Keep in touch,
Peace, Love and Light