Monday 9 April 2007

The whole village breathes again!!

The whole village is breathing again after a nightmare two days. Yesterday at 11am a 9 year old autistic boy, visiting from Heraklion for the Easter celebrations with his family, went missing in the countryside after slipping away from his mother whilst she was on the phone. The whole of the police and red cross resources as well as a massive number of villagers searched all afternoon, night and most of today. At around 1pm the police asked that everyone stayed within the village boundary as they were bringing in the helicopter with thermal camera to try to track him down. Shortly before 6pm it was announced by the church bells ringing that he had been found, cold and I believe slightly injured but otherwise unharmed. For a community which lives for its children as this one does this has been visibly devastating to everyone and I suspect the celebrations will continue for another night to mark the little ones safe return.

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